Saturday, April 4, 2015

2015 GOALS

Hey Guys ^.^

Wow- look at me writing another blog post, who do I think I am? Does this mean I might actually be getting my life together and becoming organised?.. Probably not, no- however, I am proud of myself for trying to keep up.

Today I am feeling a lot better about myself, I can be very self-critical at times. I think this is ultimately very toxic, but can serve as a useful purpose, because only by failing and feeling down can we rise and become better versions of ourselves- or some bullshit like that anyways,

I am writing this to let you all know (and to remind myself) that I have a list of goals that I would very much like to achieve this year. Even if I only start each of these goals, I will be pleased for heading in the right direction.


-LEARN HOW TO CODE (whether I learn the easiest language to code in or the more complex, I would love to get into computer science and learn as much as I can)

-START LEARNING CHINESE (this is something I've always wanted to do as I LOVE China and would just love to be able to learn a language in general)

-FINISH MY BOOK (I don't think I've mentioned it but I'm writing a series of 3 novels, I haven't finished the first yet but this is my 2015 goal. I don't plan on publishing my book/s at present, I just love writing novels and decided that I will write my very own series.

-GET A JOB (if you read my last post then you're probably confused, however, I realise I need a job to get myself more independence and experience, however I only want a part time job)

-LOSE WEIGHT (I don't necessarily think I NEED to lose weight but I would like to become more toned in certain areas)

and of course.. -KEEP UP WITH MY BLOG POSTS (sorry guys, I will get behind this)

Well those are my 2015 goals for this year.

What are you goals?

Thanks so much for reading guys!!!

M ^.^ X

P.S- here's a few inspirational quotes to get you guys in the mood for making 2015 goals and achieving them!


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